Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lieberman and Clinton Moves Suggest a Big Agenda

My take on the recent moves by the Obama campaign are that they illustrate a desire to push an incredibly ambitious agenda over the course of the next 4-8 years. I am sure that there were some high up in Team Obama who were very frustrated with Lieberman and perhaps wished that they could strip him off his chairmanship of Homeland Security. However, they decide to let him back into the caucus because - I believe - the agenda they want to push is better served by drawing Joe in closer. Similarly, the choice of Clinton for State gives him a powerful figure to help push his foreign policy (but remember she will be one of several powerful figures around the President including the Veep), while ensuring that he has full control of the Congressional agenda.

Team Obama has given up a few cheap, but important political points, for a shot at a massively ambitious agenda. That is my take - what do you think?

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