Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gates at Defense

Many progressive pundits are worried about the retention of Mr. Gates at the Pentagon. This nervousness will increase as the odds on his retention grow shorter. I noticed that Josh M, who has been following the matter closely had this to say today:

I don't know anyone more wired about what's going on in the foreign policy and national security world than Chris Nelson of the Nelson Report, a DC insider sheet on foreign & defense policy and international trade. And in tonight's edition he seems quite confident that Gates is staying on at the Pentagon "well into next year, if not also through completion of the pivot from Iraq to Afghanistan/Pakistan."

Josh noted yesterday that "One thing to understand about Bob Gates is that he's a Scowcroft guy." Josh noted the importance of this by pointing out that Scowcroft has been

"...n an important player, far in the background and not for public consumption, in the Obama world. Remember, Hagel, who's sort of been Obama's Joe Lieberman (in the good sense) is very close to Scowcroft. He and Powell are close too. He's the guy who brings all this stuff together."

It is also important to remember that Gates was a member of the Iraq Study Group. Why is that important? Well consider this recommendation from the ISG:

RECOMMENDATION 9: Under the aegis of the New Diplomatic Offensive and the Support Group, the United States should engage directly with Iran and Syria in order to try to obtain their commitment to constructive policies toward Iraq and other regional issues. In engaging Syria and Iran, the United States should consider incentives, as well as disincentives, in seeking constructive results.

That strikes me as being in step with Obama's foreign Policy.

I see the Gates retention as a move designed to assist Obama move forward on a tough engagement with Iran - something that should have bipartisan support.

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