Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holder as AG and Napolitano at DHS Suggests Competency you can believe in

It is interesting to see some of the reaction to President elect Obama's emerging team. I have noticed a couple of talking heads murmuring about retreads and the restoration of the Clinton years. Let me make one point in response to that - a guy like Eric Holder worked in the Clinton Administration as deputy AG but that does not make him a Clinton guy. Holder has been with Obama from the early stages of the campaign, co-ran his VP search and will make history as the first African American AG. More than that however, he is a low key professional who can fix a Department of Justice that is in serious trouble.

If Holder is joined by Napolitano, I think that we will see another first timer at the top of an important agency that needs a competent professional to straighten things out.

Competence at DOJ and DHS - that is change I can believe in.

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