Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Creating a Torture Commission

I have been a proponent of a Torture Commission for a few years and am pleased to see that Obama is looking at the possibility of creating one seriously. Salon describes the current thinking as follows:

"The Obama plan, first revealed by Salon in August, would emphasize fact-finding investigation over prosecution. It is gaining currency in Washington as Obama advisors begin to coordinate with Democrats in Congress on the proposal. The plan would not rule out future prosecutions, but would delay a decision on that matter until all essential facts can be unearthed. Between the time necessary for the investigative process and the daunting array of policy problems Obama will face upon taking office, any decision on prosecutions probably would not come until a second Obama presidential term, should there be one."

This is a smart approach. There will be some analysts who believe that the next Administration needs to go further quicker but I think that this is right - remember we have to use get the American people used to the idea that torture is NOT good thing and that it does not make us safer....yes we have fallen far under Bush.

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